Tuesday 1 February 2011

Working girl

Tea for tomorrow! I should probably take some jaffa cakes too... I think I have enough to share
The tea is for The Godmother and W, I should add - that particular stereotype is holding off for now. In fact, I keep being offered tea or coffee! I'm working with some very lovely people. I say working - today I did a lot of looking things up on the internet (one area where I can safely say I'm a pro), double-checking things, and going through letters. Sadly no properly crazy ones today, just an old lady who was determined to set the record straight about when marshmallows came to the UK. 

I compiled a big list of wedding venues, and have made an important decision - if get married and actually have money to spend, I will be doing it either in a castle in the highlands (some of them are quite reasonably priced) or in the roundhouse in London how cool is this? 

I am (predictably) very very knackered after today, so must plead exhaustion and a proper post tomorrow (when I may even have my very own swipe-y identity card!). 


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